(🎁Firotina SersalĂȘ - 50% DESTPÊK) LĂźstokĂȘn ƟĂȘrĂźn - PĂȘlĂźstokek ĂźnteraktĂźf a malbatĂź di sala 2022-an de

(2 reviews miƟterü)

$12.47 - $22.74

Lez be! AdĂźl 8 tiƟtĂȘn ku di stok de mane

(🎁Firotina SersalĂȘ - 50% DESTPÊK) LĂźstokĂȘn ƟĂȘrĂźn - PĂȘlĂźstokek ĂźnteraktĂźf a malbatĂź di sala 2022-an de

Ev e super populer family interactive toy in 2021, and it is also a toy that helps us release stress

If you are looking for an interactive toy that is ne xeternak e Ă» suitable for parties/children/outdoors, paƟĂȘ Ez bi tundĂź pĂȘƟniyar dikim you to buy this toy.

Ew RĂȘbazan of the game are simple.

1. Determine the target location. Place the orange “target” toy on any surface.

(For example: desktop/cama pencereyĂȘ/car hood/hĂȘnikker/mobile sweeping robot (difficulty))

2. Everyone gets the same number of “darts” toys. At the same distance, throw at the “target” toy. closest=3 points and each that stick=1 point. 

The material is made of high-grade silicone rubber, which is super nerm Ă» does not leave any traces. So you can use it on any surface.

A good helper to relieve stress. When you are in a bad mood, you can treat it as your bad mood and hit it heavily on any surface
without leaving any traces.
When you pull off the surface of the object, it will make a pleasant pop sound.

Ew dikare bibe ji nĂ» ve bikar anĂźn after washing. When its surface is covered with dust, it will affect its adhesion, but don’t worry,
you only need to wash them with water and they will return to the original state.

Package package:

1 set: 4 Blue Darts Toys+4 Green Darts Toy+1 Orange Target Marker


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(🎁Firotina SersalĂȘ - 50% DESTPÊK) LĂźstokĂȘn SĂ»ker - PĂȘlĂźstokek ĂźnteraktĂźf a malbatĂȘ Di sala 2022-an de
(🎁Firotina SersalĂȘ - 50% DESTPÊK) LĂźstokĂȘn ƟĂȘrĂźn - PĂȘlĂźstokek ĂźnteraktĂźf a malbatĂź di sala 2022-an de
$12.47 - $22.74 VebijarkĂȘn HilbijĂȘre